Ticket on sale Wednesday, may 2, 2018 at 10am est.
tickets cannot be reserved until available for public sale - Veterans please call to reserve your ticket 207-812-3869 once tickets go on sale
veterans please bring military ID with you - VA card, License, VWF or American Legion card, DD214
children 5 & under are free in the lawn section only
Tiers 1 & 2 have chairs provided
Lawn Section - No chairs are provided. You are welcome to bring a folding lawn chair, blanket or bag chair to sit on.
Guests are reminded that bags, backpacks, luggage, laptops, coolers, parcels, briefcases and like articles will be strictly prohibited from the facility. All guests will be subject to search, at Balsam Valley Amphitheater’s discretion, of their person and/or possessions (including women’s handbags of normal size that may be allowed entry after such search). Patrons with prohibited articles will be turned away at the entrances and no storage or check area will be provided for such items. Enforcement will be without exceptions.
Prohibited Items ALL ITEMS brought into the amphitheater are subject to inspection. The following list of items are not permitted in the amphitheater:
§ Weapons
§ Bags or Briefcases
§ Laptops / Tablets
§ Food / Beverages
§ Alcoholic beverages, drugs or other illegal substances
§ Selfie sticks
§ Laser pointers or similar items
§ Video cameras or recording devices of any kind
§ Any size stick or pole
§ Large banners
§ Artificial noisemakers
§ Audio, video, professional cameras, or cameras with detachable lenses
§ Inappropriate attire or signage
No Re-Entry/No Pass Outs
All items are subject to search upon entering the amphitheater. Violation of the above rules and regulations will result in eviction and/or arrest.
Weapons Prohibited Guests, including law enforcement personnel not present in an official capacity, are prohibited from bringing weapons into the amphitheater. Balsam Valley Amphitheater does not provide weapon lockers. Weapons include, but are not limited to, the following: firearms, explosives, stun guns, handcuffs, brass knuckles, sticks, clubs, batons, martial arts instruments, pepper spray, tear gas, and knives with blades over 2 inches in length.
Guests found in possession of the above-mentioned items will be asked to remove the item from the amphitheater or dispose of it. Guests who refuse to comply will be evicted from the amphitheater.
The Balsam Valley Amphitheater is committed to enhancing safety and creating a more enjoyable experience for everyone. The following guidelines have been set in order to meet this goal:
§ Guests will enjoy the event experience free from disruptive behavior, including foul or abusive language and obscene gestures.
§ Guests will consume alcoholic beverages in a responsible manner. Intervention with an impaired, intoxicated or underage guest will be handled in a prompt and safe manner.
§ Guests will sit only their ticketed seats and show their tickets when requested.
§ Guests who engage in fighting, throwing objects or attempt to enter the playing surface will be immediately evicted from the amphitheater.
§ Guests will not smoke in the amphitheater.
§ Obscene or indecent messages on signs or clothing will not be permitted.
§ Guests will comply with requests from amphitheater staff regarding amphitheater operations and emergency response procedures.
§ There is no exit and re-entry.
If you encounter a security concern or if another guest is interfering with your enjoyment of the event contact the nearest event staff member.
Staff is trained in responsible alcohol service management.
§ Must present a valid driver’s license, which indicates the patron to be a least 21 years of age (expired licenses, damaged licenses and driver’s licenses, which do not have photos, will not be accepted).
§ Any patron in the possession of alcoholic beverages on premises may be requested to produce identification, which must satisfy the foregoing requirements. No refunds will be offered for confiscated alcoholic beverages.
§ Any patron who presents false identification or who passes alcohol to a minor may be subject to eviction and arrest.
§ We will not serve more than two alcoholic beverages to a patron at one time and we reserve the right to limit service to one drink per patron.
§ Our alcohol service will end at least a half hour prior to the scheduled end of an event. We reserve the right to discontinue the sale of alcohol at any time.
§ We will not serve any patron whom we believe to be intoxicated.
§ Alcoholic beverages may not be taken into or removed from these premises.
Any patron in the possession of alcoholic beverages not obtained on premises will be subject to eviction.
Balsam Valley Amphitheater is a No Passing Zone Providing alcoholic beverages to anyone under the age of 21 at the Balsam Valley Amphitheater is against the law. Violators who provide alcoholic beverages to anyone under the age of 21, as well as anyone under the age of 21 who accepts an alcoholic beverage, will be evicted from the Balsam Valley Amphitheater and could face prosecution and revocation of season tickets or other privileges.
Intoxicated Guests: Balsam Valley Amphitheater reserves the right to deny entry to intoxicated guests. Any intoxicated guests causing a disturbance during an event will be asked to leave the facility and may be subject to arrest.
Camera Policy: The following rules are general and can be overridden based on a specific request from the attraction or promoter:
Concerts and other Events: The Event Promoter reserves the right to deny camera use at any time during or before the concert and to prohibit the use of any camera that is deemed unacceptable. Cameras with detachable lens are prohibited at all Balsam Valley Amphitheater concerts. The use of flash photography is also prohibited.
Video and Audio Equipment
1. Use of movie cameras and video or audio recording equipment is strictly prohibited by event promoters, and the Balsam Valley Amphitheater reserves the right to confiscate any tape or film.
2. For certain Concerts and Family Shows, suite lights will be dimmed to a safe level in order to compliment the atmosphere of the event.
Food and Beverage Guests may not bring food and/or beverage items into the amphitheater at any time. Guests must dispose of the unauthorized items prior to entrance into the amphitheater. Guests with specific/special dietary needs due to medical conditions or religious requirements should contact the Balsam Valley Amphitheater at 207-812-3877 or send an email to amy@balsamvalley.com.
No Re-Entry During Events: The Balsam Valley Amphitheater has a no re-entry policy during events. Guests who wish to return a prohibited item to their vehicle or need to exit and re-enter due to personal emergencies (i.e. retrieve medicine from vehicle), must first make contact with security personal to make necessary arrangements.
Non-Smoking Environment Smoking is not permitted in the amphitheater at any time.
Lost and Found Balsam Valley Amphitheater management assumes no responsibility for items lost at events. All lost and found items are to be taken to a Balsam Valley employee during events. Guests should reach out to a BVA staff member during the event to inquire about lost items. After the conclusion of an event, Guests may contact Balsam Valley Amphitheater Lost and Found at 207-812-3877 to inquire about lost items.